Approach for Better nutrition Before Pre-pregnancy

The well-being of a future mother before conception is the first step towards having a healthy baby. The factors that affect the reproductive health of a woman and prepare her body for conception are: - 1) The stress level, toxic exposure as well as the state of mind adopted by her. 2) The quality and quantity of vitamin and mineral content that she consumes. One of the most significant influences on pregnancy outcomes include a woman’s nutritional condition, comprising of her BMI and consumption of different nutrients by her. According to research conducted by one of the best gynecologists in Chennai , birth defects can be linked to a lack of nutrition before conception. Therefore, it is necessary for a woman to eat healthily according to her height and weight at the pre-pregnancy phase. The inclusion of essential food groups in the diet Incorporating the 5 major food groups in the diet ensure that the person in the pre-pregnancy stage gets the right amount...